end politics in education

Public service should focus on serving the public good.

At Institute for Education Reform, we dedicate our efforts to once again put every child, parent, and American first in the mission of public service and not let them be forgotten.

📢 Stop the Misuse of Your Tax Dollars – Pass HB98!

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In the works

Idaho’s Senate Bill 98

A 4x6 satirical illustration titled **"Idaho Taxpayers Funding Teacher Unions,"** featuring a **pipeline labeled 'Taxpayer Dollars' flowing into a war chest marked 'Union Political Fund.'** Stacks of cash are labeled **'Education Lobbying'** and **'Policy Influence.'** In the foreground, a **frustrated Idaho taxpayer holds a sign reading 'Stop Funding Activism,'** while union figures scramble to protect their cash flow, symbolizing the urgency of passing SB 98.

Common-Sense Reform to Protect Taxpayers from Radical Teacher Unions

Why should conservative Idahoans be forced to fund unions that push gender ideology, CRT, and far-left candidates like Kamala Harris?

SB 98 stops taxpayer-backed payroll deductions for teacher unions, cutting off their political war chest. That’s why the NEA sent AFL-CIO and Teamsters to intimidate lawmakers—they know their cash flow is on the line.

This isn’t an attack on teachers. It’s about stopping public funds from fueling leftist activism. SB 98 isn’t radical—the NEA is.

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